
Friday Aug 21, 2020
S2E4 - Bradley L Bowers | Bradley L Bowers
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Episode 4 - #bradleylbowers #makersgonnamake
- Website here: Bradley Web
- IG here: Bradley IG
If you're into art, sculpture, graphic design, and the process in which designers approach their work - then this episode is for you.
Bradley is undoubtedly the most captivating, charismatic and talented artist we've interviewed is on this episodes podcast. We talk his start in the industry, his collegiate background at SCAD and his professional ventures - whether that be his ongoing art installations, to custom wallpaper, to current experimentation in forming light.
We hope you enjoy this one as much as we did. Be sure to reach out to Bradley on his latest commissions and follow him on his IG.
- Help us grow by leaving us a review and referring us to your friends / family
- Website for our Design Studio: www.cicada.xyz
- Find us on Instagram: @theswarm and @____cicada
- For all questions, comments or inquiries: info@cicada.xyz

Friday May 15, 2020
S2E3 - Augusta Sagnelli Photography | Augusta Sagnelli
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Episode 3 - #augustasagnelli #youcancallmegus #alsoknownasstudios
What better way to understand this pandemic than through the lens of a photographer? We had the honor to sit down with the prolific Augusta Sagnelli here in New Orleans to chat about her start, how she was in Paris during the height of the pandemic, and how she's currently operating her studio due to such strange times.
We also touch base about AKA (also known as) Studios, why her most shot subject is herself, photography gear, and much more.
- Help us grow by leaving us a review and referring us to your friends / family
- Website for our Design Studio: www.cicada.xyz
- Find us on Instagram: @theswarm and @____cicada
- For all questions, comments or inquiries: info@cicada.xyz

Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
S2E2 - Smallchalk Studio | Ashlee Jones
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Wednesday Apr 15, 2020
Episode 2 - #smallchalk #alsoknownasstudios
If you're in need of inspiration, or just a distraction to the current pandemic that is seemingly everywhere we've got you covered. In this episode we highlight Ashlee Jones, the designer, illustrator and muralist behind the New Orleans based Smallchalk Studio. As noted in the previous episode with Kara McGuire, Ashlee's studio is 1/3 of AKA Studios too.
We get into how Ashlee got her name, Smallchalk - the mediums in which she works with now and how her business is actively growing within the New Orleans fabric. We also discuss how Ashlee operates her business and juggling being a working mother of two with her husband Brett Jones who owns the local restaurant Barracuda.
**Side Note: this particular episode was recorded a month and a half prior to this release, so the narrative is a peak back in time before the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Help The Swarm grow by leaving us a review and referring us to your friends / family
- Website for our Design Studio: www.cicada.xyz
- Find us on Instagram: @theswarm and @____cicada
- For all questions, comments or inquiries: info@cicada.xyz

Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
S2E1 - Minmoo Studio | Kara McGuire
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Episode 1 - #minmoostudio #alsoknownasstudios
Move over Game of Thrones, The Swarm is back for season 2! This episode we sit down with the insanely talented Founder & Creative Director of Minmoo Studio here in New Orleans, Kara McGuire.
Kara and her team are behind the inspiring branding studio that creates holistic visual solutions for a variety of businesses in New Orleans. They specialize in design, creative direction and photography. We discuss what projects Minmoo is currently working on, how Kara got her start, and the ins and outs of being a working mother and entrepreneur in 2020.
- Help The Swarm grow by leaving us a review and referring us to your friends / family
- Website for our Design Studio: www.cicada.xyz
- Find us on Instagram: @theswarm and @____cicada
- For all questions, comments or inquiries: info@cicada.xyz

Thursday Jan 10, 2019
S1E11 - CICADA | Co-Founders
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Thursday Jan 10, 2019
Episode 11 - #cofounders
We couldn't think of a better way to end season one, than interviewing our fellow co-founders of CICADA. This episode is a round table between Seamus, James, Paulo and Matt to discuss our trials and tribulations throughout the startup of our company, projects we're working on and where we're headed for 2019.
James and I want to thank all of our listeners for our first season. It's been a great success, and we'll be back soon for season 2 so stay tuned! If you or someone you know would be great for the show, feel free to email us here: info@studiocicada.com or direct message us on our instagram account!
- Like what you hear? Drop us a review.
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Follow our Business on Instagram: @studiocicada
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com

Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
S1E10 - Foundation for Louisiana | Liz Williams Russell
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Wednesday Dec 19, 2018
Episode 10 - #everythingismush
Here we are! Two episodes remain in our first season, and we have had the pleasure to talk with Liz Williams Russell with the Foundation for Louisiana to talk all things coastal specific! If you're interested in climate change, sea level rise, coastal erosion, sediment diversion programs, specific to the Mississippi River and economic change due to our eroding coastline here in Louisiana then you are in the right place.
If you would like to learn more during or after the episode, follow Liz on their website here: http://foundationforlouisiana.org
- Like what you hear? Drop us a review.
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Follow our Business on Instagram: @studiocicada
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com

Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
S1E9 - Construct | Patrick Fess & Jonathon Smith
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Episode 9 - #construct
Patrick and Jonathon have an education in Architecture, however are using their design skills to run a very successful wood / metal fabrication shop called Construct in the city of New Orleans. Tune in to hear how they got into fabrication, how their background has influenced their business practice and changes they are making in the city!
- Like what you hear? Drop us a review.
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Follow our Business on Instagram: @studiocicada
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com

Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
S1E8 - Luna Botanicals | Jeanne & Stephen Luna
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Episode 8 - #biophilia
The term "biophilia" means "love of life or living systems," and that humans possess an innate tendency to seek connections with nature and other forms of life. James and Seamus sit with Jeanne & Stephen Luna to discuss how Luna Botanicals began, and how their plant designs and installations are making an impact in the New Orleans architectural scene.
- Find us on any major podcasting outlet! Dont forget to drop us a review, oh and tell your friends.
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Follow our Business on Instagram: @studiocicada
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com

Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
S1E7 - Uncommon Construction | Aaron Frumin
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Episode 7 - #hireuncommon
Building Houses. Framing Character. Thats the catch phrase of the New Orleans Non for Profit, Uncommon Construction founded by Aaron Frumin. James and Seamus get to the bottom of how Aaron began this non for profit and how its become so successful in empowering youth to lead the workforce after high school or college.
- Find us on any major podcasting outlet! Dont forget to drop us a review, oh and tell your friends.
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Follow our Business on Instagram: @studiocicada
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com

Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
S1E6 - Urban Properties | Michael Bucher
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Wednesday Aug 15, 2018
Episode 6 - #urbanproperties
This episode we get to the point of what a developer actually means, how you can become one, and the real take of what developers are doing when it comes to our neighborhoods and buildings.
We get the luxury of sitting with Mike Bucher, a local developer who works with Urban Properties here in the city to give us a behind the scenes understanding of what it all means.
- Check us on any major podcasting outlet! Dont forget to drop us a review, oh and tell your friends.
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Follow our Business on Instagram: @studiocicada
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com

Thursday Jul 26, 2018
S1E5 - The Rivergate | John Klingman
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Thursday Jul 26, 2018
Episode 5 - #rivergate
This episode we talk about the short lived (1968-1995) and very controversial Rivergate Convention Center that was a major landmark in mid-century modern architecture however was plagued by its relationship to the site it was built on and the changing cities landscape around it.
For the first half of the podcast we sit down with the Tulane's Emeritus Professor of Architecture, John Klingman who brings us back to the buildings inception, worldly design and its eventual demise. For the last portion of the podcast we sit down with the Executive Director of AIA New Orleans, Joel Pominville who elaborates on an a Virtual Reality exhibit put on by the Preservation Rescource Center (PRC) and the New Orleans Architecture Foundation (NOAF), where listeners can attend to re-experience the iconic building through VR.
- Check us on any major podcasting outlet! Dont forget to drop us a review.
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com

Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
S1E4.5 - ULI | Port Orleans Brewing Co.
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Wednesday Jul 11, 2018
Episode 4.5 - #swarmwithuli
This episode James and Seamus go live at the Port Orleans Brewing Company in New Orleans where they podcast the Urban Land Institute's Membership Drive.
This is the kickoff of our new relationship with ULI where we will periodically cover their buildings tours throughout the city. Tune in to hear a bit about ULI, Port of Orleans Brew Master, and the Architect for the Brewery.
- Be sure to drop us a review and subscribe at any platform that has podcasts
- You can find more about ULI here: https://uli.org/
- Swarm Website: swarm with us
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm and @studiocicada
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com

Monday Jun 11, 2018
S1E4 - Tower Fantasy | Tower Fantasy
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Monday Jun 11, 2018
Episode 4 - #whatsyourfantasy
This episode we sit down with the elusive creator(s) behind the cult following instagram account @towerfantasy based out of New Orleans. Do yourself a favor, and follow them prior to tuning in so you can stay up on what makes them so unique and why they're so wildly popular.
- Be sure to drop us a review and subscribe at any platform that has podcasts
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com
- Follow us on Instagram: @theswarm
- Inquiries: info@studiocicada.com

Monday Jun 04, 2018
S1E3 - Solomon Group | Gary Solomon Jr.
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Monday Jun 04, 2018
Episode 3 - #bewashington
This episode, we travel and sit down with the President and Co-Founder of Solomon Group, Gary Solomon Jr.
He and his team are behind the award-winning entertainment design and production firm based in New Orleans, Louisiana. Tune in to learn how their making an impact on New Orleans architecture and entertainment, or better known as "architainment."
- Subscribe now for automatic updates and be sure to leave a review!
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com
- Follow us on Insta: @theswarm
- Questions and comments: info@studiocicada.com

Wednesday May 23, 2018
S1E2.5 - Changes in the New Orleans Skyline
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Wednesday May 23, 2018
Episode 2.5 - #changesintheskyline
This Episode James and Seamus talk about 3 ongoing projects in New Orleans that are actively changing the skyline.
- Subscribe here now for monthly releases.
- Website: www.theswarmbycicada.com
- Follow us on Insta: @theswarm
- Questions and comments: info@studiocicada.com

Tuesday May 01, 2018
S1E2 - The Company Burger | Adam Biderman
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Tuesday May 01, 2018
Episode 2 - #nolettuce
Meet Adam Biderman - Chef, and Owner of the nationally acclaimed Company Burger Restaurant(s) located in New Orleans, LA
Tune in to understand how Adam and Company Burger has risen to success, what makes his burgers (and milk shakes) so unique, and how Architecture makes a difference when selling his food and brand.
- Subscribe here now for monthly releases.
- Follow us on Insta: @studiocicada and @theswarm
- Website: studiocicada.com
- Questions and comments: info@studiocicada.com

Sunday Apr 01, 2018
S1E1 - MCC Real Estate | Mary Grace Verges
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Sunday Apr 01, 2018
Episode 1 - #keepthestacks
Our first guest highlights licensed Architect, turned Development Architect, Mary Grace Verges.
We will learn about Mary Grace's transition from working as a licensed Architect at New Orleans based Architecture Firm, Eskew Dumez Ripple, to her new role in the Development world working for MCC Real Estate (owned by Joe Jaeger).
Tune in to learn more about the JUNG Hotel, The New Orleans Entergy Power Plant, along with other exciting upcoming projects MCC Real Estate owns and operates.
- Subscribe here now for monthly releases.
- Follow us on Insta: @studiocicada and @theswarm
- Website: studiocicada.com
- Questions and comments: info@studiocicada.com

Sunday Mar 11, 2018
S1 - Trailer - We Tried To Make a Podcast
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Sunday Mar 11, 2018
Listen in to hear entrepreneurs, small business owners, developers, and other creatives in the city to understand how buildings and spaces affect their lives and how they interact with design.